Video Machine

Xocali Soyqirimi faciesine hesr olunur "613" - Dilara Kazimova & Etibar Asadli & Sahib Asadli

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Creative & Video producing: Məmmədova Nigar
Cameraman: Roman Minayev

Asadli Pro studio

Xocalı Soyqırımı faciəsinə həsr olunur "613"

1992-ci il fevralın 25-dən 26-na keçən gecə erməni hərbi birləşmələri keçmiş sovet ordusunun Xankəndi şəhərində yerləşən 366-cı motoatıcı alayının iştirakı ilə Xocalı şəhərini işğal edərkən, etnik azərbaycanlılara qarşı baş vermiş soyqırım qurbanları haqqında melumat.

Bu qanlı aksiya zamanı aylarla mühasirədə saxlanılan Xocalıya edilmiş hücum nəticəsində bir gecənin içində şəhər yerlə yeksan edilmişdir. Dinc əhaliyə amansızlıqla divan tutulmuş, 613 nəfər qətlə yetirilmiş, meyitlər təhqir olunmuş, 1275 nəfər girov götürülmüşdür. Onlardan 150 nəfərin taleyi hələ də məlum deyil. Qətlə yetirilənlərin 63 nəfəri uşaq, 106 nəfəri qadın, 70 nəfəri ahıl və qoca idi.[1]. Hərbi təcavüz nəticəsində 8 ailə tamamilə məhv edilmiş, 25 uşaq hər iki valideynini, 130 nəfər valideynlərindən birini itirmisdir.Bu facie alcaq ermeniler terefinden toredilib.


The genocide in one of the most ancient settlements of Hojali during the first stage of the conflict in Nagorny Karabakh, which started between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1988, is one of the most terrible, tragic and unprecedented events in human history. The tragedy of Hojali stands in the same level as the most terrible and cruel tragedies carried out in Xatin, Hiroshima.

On 26 February night of 1992 the Armenians deployed their forces in Hankendi and with the help of the 366th shooting military regiment of former USSR attacked defenseless and helpless Xojali.

Within one night the town was razed to the ground.

The population left town to escape in the mountains and forests. Armenian armed forced were firing peace civilians from all sides and jeered at them cruelly. Many young girls were taken hostages that cold snowy night. Many of those who tried escaping from Armenian forces in the forests and mountains, froze to death. As a result of Armenian invasion, 613 residents of Hojali were killed, 478 heavily injured. 1275 peace civilians, including elderly persons, children and women, were taken hostages and suffered heavy insults and offences from the Armenians. The fate of 150 of these persons is still remaining unknown. That was a true genocide. Out of 613 civilians killed in Hojali, 106 were women, 63 children and 70 elderly persons.

During the Hojali tragedy, 8 entire families were annihilated, 24 children lost both parents, and 130 children lost one of the parents.
56 persons were killed with special cruelty. They were burnt to death, had their heads cut off, face skin taken off, eyes pricked out. Armenians also did violence to pregnant women and profaned the dead bodies.

The nation and the state of Azerbaijan do not forget the Hojali tragedy.

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