Video Machine

Lazy Millionaire | FULL MOVIE

31 998


Official name: Lazy millionaire
Type: Short
Genre: Drama
Length: 4 minutes 56 seconds
Format: HD 1080p

Movie director: Elnur Abdullayev
Script: Elnur Abdulllayev
Actors: Qurban Karimli, Seymur Mamedov, Firuza Harunova.

Technical and organizational support: Aysel Hasanova, Seymur Mamedov; Shamxal Rzayev, Togrul Taghizade, Perfect Pictures production.

Software used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe Audition 6, Audacity

Description: The country’s largest holding company wants to invest 2.5 million euro on David Newman, but the reason of investment brings main character to perplexity.

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